Business Sponsors

Partnership with businesses is critical to our ministry. Not only does partnering with the Columbia Pregnancy Center provide support to women with unplanned pregnancies, many of our business partnership opportunities also involve recognition for your business among our supporters and throughout the community.

Sponsor A CPC Fundraising Event

Our business partners ensure that all of the expenses from our fundraising events are covered up front, which allows all of the money raised from the day of the event to go directly to helping the community.  Here are some ways your business can get involved:

  • Become a business event sponsor for our Walk for Life.
  • Become a business underwriter for our Annual Benefit Banquet.
  • Donate food or professional services to the CPC events.

Setup a Matching Gift Program for Employees

  • Match employee donations
  • Match employee volunteer hours

View A List of Companies with Matching Gift Programs (pdf)

For more information about how your business can get involved, please contact the CPC Executive Director.

The CPC is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, so your financial gifts are tax deductible. Our financial statements are available and our development team is always happy to answer your questions.